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Community Corrections
Brett Barton
60 E Washington St. • Frankfort , IN 46041
Phone:765-659-2966 • Fax:765-654-4523
Mon-Fri 8:00AM - 4:00PM

Indiana's community-based corrections began when the Indiana State Legislature passed the Community Corrections Act in 1980. This act enables counties "to develop a coordinated, local corrections criminal justice system," and it also allows for counties to provide "effective alternatives to imprisonment at the state level."

The Indiana Department of Correction has funded county programs under the Community Corrections Grant Act since 1980. Over half of all Indiana counties currently receive funding for Community Corrections programs. Some of the components being funded throughout the state include:

  •Community Service Restitution / Public Restitution Programs
  •Residential Programs
  •Victim-Offender Reconciliation Program
  •Home Detention/Electronic Monitoring
  •Work Release
  •Jobs Program, Work Empowerment and Jail Services Programs
  •Work Crew, Jail Community Service, and Law Enforcement Restitution
  •Day Reporting
  •Community Transition Program (CTP)
  •Forensic Diversion

These components enable county judicial officials to expand and explore sentencing options and alternatives to jail or prison.

The Clinton County Community Corrections Program is a county governmental agency that was established in 2002 to provide community based supervision utilizing electronic monitoring for clients in our local criminal justice system and clients transitioning from the Indiana Department of Corrections back into our community. Our agency is governed by an Advisory Board and is subject to state/local statutes and regulations. Additionally, we are required to follow policies and procedures set forth by the Indiana Department of Corrections. We operate and are funded through an Indiana Department of Corrections grant and income from client´s user fees. The purpose of the services provided by our agency is to provide alternatives to incarceration at the state and local levels for clients referred by Clinton Circuit, Clinton Juvenile and Clinton Superior Courts. Feel free to contact us for specific information regarding enrollment, services, guidelines and costs.

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